
When the dreary fall weather sets in, workouts typically move indoors. Today we share with you the story of MyFitness member Ivo, whose home club is MyFitness Viimsi. During the calmer autumn-winter period, any movement is useful; but if you exercise regularly, it will be easier to achieve your goals. Let’s see how Ivo kicks off his indoor training with renewed energy.

Reaching out to a personal trainer

Working out three to four times a week on weight and exercise machines in the club during the winter season generally kept my health in good shape and strengthened my tone, but I did not achieve the expected weight loss. In fact, for the last five years I’ve gained an extra kilo every year. After a good workout, it seems only fair to reward yourself with a hearty dinner and beer. However, I know that when it comes to weight, you can train more meaningfully and purposefully, as well as more effectively. In theory, everything is simple – every day you need to spend more energy than you get at the table. However, the scales stubbornly confirm every time that in practice this is not so simple.

This fall, I approached MyFitness personal trainers with a proposal – I am very motivated to lose ten kilograms by next May (my 59th birthday!). I expect guidance from them on how to achieve my goal so that I don’t develop exercise fatigue or hunger.

First things first – body composition analysis

Before the start of the winter season at MyFitness, I received a voucher for a body composition analysis voucheri, which I declined. I thought that I already knew my weight and how much I wanted to lose. I started my first visit with a consultation with MyFitness Viimsi club trainer Kadi Salm-Dikker.

As a result of the analysis, I learned more about body composition and received a comparison of recommended values and recommendations for achieving them. I confirm that the detailed picture with explanations and recommendations from the trainer was a very thoughtful road map. The body composition analysis showed the proportion of bones, muscles, fat and soft tissues, as well as how and how quickly you can start moving towards your goal. It gave me a whole new approach to planning my workouts and nutrition.

I have a feeling that winter will be different this year – we’ll see how things go on the chosen route.

A personal trainer will guide you on the right path

I do introductory workouts in the quieter and more comfortable MyFitness Pirita club, which is conveniently located on the way from my work to the city. When using the weight machines at the Pirita club, personal trainer Indrek Vait skilfully guides me through the correct body positions, exercise rhythm and effective reps.

Indeed, performance is in the details. In addition, Indrek showed me many new exercises that I will be able to practice on my own in the future. For example, instead of sculpting your abs with traditional sit-ups, it’s more effective to roll the ab wheel while facing the floor. Fine by me!

You can exercise, but you have to watch your diet

I already had theoretical knowledge about the importance of nutrition even before I consulted Cätlyn Toomerega a trainer and nutritionist at the Pirita club. I gained a lot of practical knowledge. So far I’ve been eating relatively healthy, but to train effectively I need to increase my protein intake and, of course, reduce the amount of food I eat. From now on, my home kitchen scale will become my everyday kitchen accessory, which until now was used only for preparing the most complex dishes.

Cätlyn also helped me to create a better system for proper nutrition accounting. For example, she helped me set up the Myfitnesspal app and explained how best to use it. The trainer also gave me a number of useful tips that I will definitely apply daily.

Written by: Ivo Rull, cultural figure. Viimsi News


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