
What is the body analysis?

Want to know the biological age of your body? Do you know the weight of your muscles and the distribution of muscles and fat on your arms, legs and torso?

You can receive all this information and even more with the help of the Jawon ioi 353 body composition analyser, from basic information (weight, height, etc.) to more specific indicators (muscle mass, fat %, biological age, etc.). The results are 99% accurate and the recommended indicators of the results are in compliance with the recommendations of the WHO (World Health Organization). In addition, Jawon analyser displays the basal metabolic rate and the recommended daily calorie intake.

As a result you will find out

  • Biological age of your body
  • The percentage of fat and fat distribution on your body parts
  • Your fat-free body mass
  • Basal metabolic rate and recommended daily calorie intake
  • Guidelines for the weight management

If the weight, fat %, height and muscle proportion in your body is not balanced according to the recommendations, Jawon offers instructions for managing your weight. The instructions include the recommended change in the daily calorie intake and the required increase in spending energy by means of exercise.

Jawon ioi 353 allows you to gain an overview of your body composition indicators to provide you with information for further exercise and diet and a positive impact.

Booking a body analysis:

  • Book a body analysis in the MyFit environment by selecting ‘BODY ANALYSIS’ from the main menu.
  • Pay for the service or present your voucher at the club’s reception desk before going in for your analysis. Give your trainer the ticket you were issued with at reception before the analysis.
  • The 15-minute analysis includes a consultation with a trainer.
  • The results of the analysis will be issued on paper as well as saved to your member account on MyFit so that you can easily compare later results with previous ones.*
  • The price of the body analysis is €15.

The 15-minute body composition analysis includes a consultation with an instructor. Results of the body analysis are stored in your MyFit environment, so that later it would be easy to compare the new results with previous ones.



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