
This year the IROMAN triathlon will take place in Tallinn on August 5th. On the first weekend of August, employees of 11 MyFitness clubs will test their strength at the Ironman track. Their preparation and determination will help them on their journey to the IRONMAN 70.3 triathlon. 11 strong sports lovers will take part in the competition – 3 teams of three people and two individual competitors from MyFitness. There is still about a month left for preparation, and the athletes will have time to put in a lot of efforts. We want to get to know triathlon competitors better and share stories of their journey with you.

Individual participant Maigi Vändre

This year, Maigi Vändre will take part in the individual event on the IRONMAN 70.3 track for the first time. Maigi is a trainer in MyFitness Viljandi and leads energetic and intense group workouts. Maigi has been into sports since childhood and always spends her free time doing some kind of sport or movement. Let’s find out more about how she prepares for the triathlon competition.

Maigi, how has your training changed in preparation for IRONMAN?

My training has changed a lot. All my life I thought I could swim, ride a bike and run. For example, I have never swum a certain distance with timing. Swimming in Lake Harku with others is definitely a new experience. I also bought the necessary equipment for cycling. Now I feel a big difference between riding a regular bike and a road bike. The right equipment makes cycling even more comfortable and enjoyable. In fact, this is the most important thing, especially when you have to go through three racing stages.

I feel most comfortable in running, but usually I do it without setting a specific goal for myself. I run every day to keep moving, but every year I also go to competitions. I am used to run for myself, but now I need to rethink how to successfully complete a longer distance after swimming and cycling. I definitely need to train more mindfully in order to get through each stage as efficiently as possible. So even if I don’t feel like exercising, a workout plan helps me stay consistent and reminds me of my goals.

Why did you decide to participate in IRONMAN?

I have dreamed of participating in IRONMAN for many years. It has always seemed like a very difficult test that only the best can pass. I always have to do things that are a little more challenging or out of my comfort zone. IRONMAN allows you to challenge yourself, takes you out of your comfort zone and makes your eyes shine with excitement.

The goal is above all to feel joy from this journey, to go through it with pleasure, to learn something new about your own training, and most importantly, to fulfil your dream.

Do you have helpers along the way?

At first, I was going to train and prepare a training plan on my own. Later it turned out that the trainer’s help is still needed. It seemed reasonable, since there are so many nuances to take into account when participating in a triathlon. For example, you need to do the right workouts, find the right equipment, and eat right to stay on track. It may seem like it’s enough just to train properly, but in fact, there is a danger of overtraining.

It is good to include a trainer in your journey. In addition to advice and help, the trainer provides support and also makes you work harder. We built the training plan in such a way that I can focus on areas where I don’t feel very strong. The workout program also includes enjoyable activities such as walking and running. I try to follow the training plan and do my best in this particular part to get better and polish my technique. I really look forward to this whole journey, and my loved ones at home have long since realized how excited I am about it all.

Individual participant Anastasia Jevdokimova

Another individual participant is Anastasia Jevdokimova, our MyFitness group trainer. Her sports background is swimming, bodybuilding, as well as strength training. Anastasia has been participating in IRONMAN for several years in a row. Let’s find out more and see how the preparations for this year’s triathlon are going.

Why do you train at the MyFitness sports club?

My relationship with MyFitness clubs is very long. After my swimming career ended, I was looking for a new way to exercise. I was one of the first to join our club in 2008. Since then, my love for MyFitness has grown with every workout. Simply training has not been enough for me, and in addition to my work as a trainer, I have also been a customer service representative and a club manager. I feel that MyFitness has everything you need for training. I do strength training regularly, and in addition to the gym, I also like to take BOXBOX and Studio X classes.

What are your goals regarding IRONMAN?

I have already participated in the IRONMAN triathlon series before – both in the full team and as part of the semi-team. Last year I went through all the stages of IRONMAN 70.3 individually for the first time. My goal is to cross the finish line and just enjoy the journey. To be your own best friend and supporter throughout the journey. Of course, my goal is to be better than last year.

Last year I finished in 6 hrs 3 min – so close and yet so far!

This year’s goal is to complete the entire race in less than 6 hours. I have the highest hopes for swimming, as I have the most experience with it. I will be proud of myself if I swim a distance in 30 minutes, ride a bike in 3 hours and run in 2 hours. In previous years, there were unexpected mistakes that prevented me from achieving my goals. This year I feel like I’ve learned from my experience and I just want to do my best and enjoy it.

How are you preparing for IRONMAN this year?

I mainly train for triathlon on my own. I have been researching information about training on the Internet for many years. There I found answers to many questions. I also got a lot of information from YouTube where you can find tips, stories and recommendations. In addition to training, you can find recommendations on equipment, nutrition and psychological preparation. These are the same tips and tricks I use in my own workouts, and I’m glad that such information is so easily available.

Triathlon is purely for myself; it is important for me to take part in it. Thanks to IRONMAN, my training program is much more intense and dense. I try to fit at least 1 swimming, 2 running and 2 cycling sessions into every week. Between these sessions I can also fit 1 hour of yoga, my BodyPump group workouts and strength training. I believe that I am fit enough, healthy and in good physical condition to participate in this race just for fun!

The IRONMAN triathlon will take place on August 5th, and we will be able to see how Maigi and Anastasia go through the race. We looked at how the preparation is going, and found out what is important in training and how previous experience affect preparation.  The journey is certainly difficult for our participants, but at the same time exciting. We keep our fingers crossed and wish them an active last month!


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